Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Polish Jewish cinema right now

What should be in your opinion , the common talk of the crisis of print media , the investment in readers and tablets, and film and television is slowly moving to the Internet ? What do you miss the most , and which still show ourselves to be helpful and useful ?

Are you more interested in describing the movies that come to theaters , or those that can be legally downloaded from the Internet more and more popular VOD services ? Do you need more information , or subjective opinions about the films formulated by critics , who are the authorities for you ? And if at all there are more of these influences? And if so, who was the closest to this position?

Just please , be honest to me. After all, not everyone who gives a review , you must be right, but sometimes the one who is wrong , the most effective forces for discussion , and this turns out to be worth more than any , even the best written , reviewed .

In this post you will find many items that could cause such discussion: on festivals (Festival of Festivals , p 100) , the screen versions of famous novels ( Goodbye, original ! , P 306) , a new generation of Polish (?) Directors ( Train to Hollywood , p 46) , a series of military ( enemy Mine , p 74), a Polish Jewish cinema ( of Polish cinematography , p 54), the webizodach ( Ask a ninja: Why do we need TV ? , p 80 ) and , finally, the new Disney game ( game without boundaries , p 86). Will they succeed? Do you find the argument that calls for you rebellion and discord ? Did you find out what sparked your imagination ? Is it because of what you have read in this issue, you have chosen to a particular movie ?

We look forward to your editorial on e-mails and messages in USA the FILM . I promise that we take them seriously , and we draw conclusions from them .

And now we invite you to read : carefully , without bias , but without superficial hurray . Young and enthusiastic editorial team FILM accept any opinion on the chest . So we taught the youngest of us – Dave Jones

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